Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for 2024: A Fresh Start

I have noticed that I haven’t written down any resolutions for the past two years, even though I am not someone who strictly follows what I note down. My goals take shape as time passes and external factors come into play. However, writing them down helps me track my progress and gives me a sense of direction. As a self-motivated person, I firmly believe that an ‘idle mind is a devil’s workshop’. Therefore, I try my best to keep it occupied. Wondering what I am aiming to achieve this year? Check out my list below!


  1. Simplifying my processes
  2. Making running and strength training a lifestyle—not just a goal
  3. Using positive affirmations instead of negativity for motivation
  4. Start writing on variety of topics
  5. Giving myself grace when I skip, reset, or take rest


I tend to use multiple different platforms to write down notes, organize plans, and manage my activities. I enjoy trying out new productivity tools, but I’ve come to realize that I prefer things that are simple. While I could make things aesthetic by journaling, the pressure to keep things pretty and arranged gets in the way of my writing or management process. Therefore, this year, I’m focusing on managing all my work and personal life on three platforms.

Firstly, there’s Notability. I recently got an iPad for video editing, but I enjoy it more for writing and reading. After using it for a month or two, I bought a yearly subscription of Notability. I love how I can write and save it in digital format for later use, and I can create, edit, or delete it as many times as I want. It’s the best of both worlds!

Secondly, there’s Google Calendar. I use it to schedule my meetings, send reminders, and keep track of activities that have deadlines. It synchronizes easily across various platforms, and I no longer have to note it down manually. Lastly, there’s Notion. I started using it last year after trying multiple times with Evernote, Trello, and Google Drive. I got the hang of it after watching a YouTube tutorial on how to set up my dashboard with ready-made templates. I don’t see myself changing it anytime soon. I love how customized it can be as per my needs. I have my book tracker, movie and series list, content planning, and more. I’m slowly bringing all my processes into Notion.


I began consistent strength training in November 2023 after discovering a workout routine by Ashley Hughes on YouTube. Although I was initially skeptical due to past failed attempts at starting new routines, I stuck with this one and have come to enjoy it. My focus is now on long-term consistency rather than expecting quick changes. I am not aiming for a 3-month, 6-month, or 1-year makeover, but a routine that I can sustain without overwhelming myself. I have also signed up for the 2024 Colfax Marathon in May 2024, which will be my first full marathon. Although I know it will be challenging, I am excited and nervous. I have started running on a treadmill and plan to move outdoors once the temperatures rise. I want to enjoy the entire journey of reaching this goal, which I have dreamt of since running my first 5K in Hyderabad in 2016. It is going to be an insane experience, for sure!


In 2023, I had to make a lot of adjustments and learn to accept many changes in my life. At times, I felt really down because I was unable to work due to my work permit status. I realized that I had equated my self-worth with my earning capabilities and was too attached to my work. This made me re-evaluate my priorities and focus on developing new skills and financial literacy. I also learned that most wealthy people don’t rely on their active income but instead on their passive income. As a result, I am now asset-rich but cash-poor, which is okay. This year, my main goal is to invest in my personal development, upskill, and continuously learn.


I don’t know why I love writing so much, yet I hardly do it! My high expectations of what writing should look like are a huge obstacle for me. I compare myself to other bloggers who write regularly, not seeing enough comments or followers, overthinking about the quality of my writing, emphasizing SEO and other copywriting tricks to make it more engaging, and so on. But all I want to do is write without worrying about other factors. I need to keep reminding myself of this as I create content and write more this year. Also, I want to get out of my rut and write about things beyond what I think is specifically for my blog. I want to explore other topics such as self-care, household chores, wellness, personal finance, or anything else that I want to write about and post. Because, why not?


At the age of thirty-two, I have come to the realization that taking a pause is not a bad thing. My past experience of hustling non-stop has led to severe burnout, and I do not want to face the same situation again. So, from now on, I will decline things that do not fit on my plate. I prefer taking one step at a time and doing many things, but not all at once. I used to be an all-or-nothing person, and I want to change that by prioritizing consistency over perfection.

Are you ready to take control and make this year your best yet? Share your resolutions in the comments below!

Thank you so much for reading this post. Cheers!

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Hey there! I'm Shilpa, a hidden wordsmith with a talent for infusing my writing with vibrant, clever, and personal touches. As a coffee enthusiast, book devourer, and foodie at heart, I'm also a big fan of lo-fi tunes and captivating illustrations. My slight obsession? Stationery, productivity hacks, and anything that helps keep life organized. Whether embarking on adventures or getting lost in the pages of a good book, I'm always in pursuit of compelling stories.

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