
Binge by Anne Pfeffer

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Print Length: 260 pages
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Bold Print Press
Genre: Fiction, Humor, Contemporary, Romance

TW: Weight issues, childhood trauma, separation

Want a book that changes your take on weight issues with a dash of romance and humour? Read this book review to learn more!

‘Binge’ by Anne Pfeffer is a captivating coming-of-age story that explores the struggles of Sabrina Hunter, a young woman in her twenties who battles with an unhealthy relationship with food. The protagonist often indulges in junk food to cope with the pressures and stresses of life, and the book delves into her journey of self-discovery, relationships, and personal growth.

Sabrina is a well-developed and relatable character whose struggles with body image and family dynamics are authentic and engaging. Throughout the book, readers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and drama as Sabrina navigates her way through the ups and downs of life. The author’s writing style is captivating and captures the emotions and experiences of the characters in a way that is easy to connect with. The book is entertaining, funny, and reflective of how many of us cope with emotions such as anxiety and depression by consuming too much food. The story is about becoming a better person, making friends, and forgiving others. It also talks a lot about learning to accept yourself and taking conscious steps to recover from life-threatening habits.

The book emphasizes self-acceptance through Sabrina’s journey. Despite some predictability, the author’s characters make up for any small storyline issues. It is relatable for those facing obesity (like me!) and shifting their focus from overeating to underlying anxieties and coping mechanisms.

It was refreshing to feel my body actually physically hungry for more nutrition instead of what actually what drove me: my mind craving empty calories to avoid all the thoughts and memories I couldn’t handle.

Anne Pfeffer, Binge

I would highly recommend ‘Binge’ to those who enjoy coming-of-age stories that deal with important themes such as self-acceptance, forgiveness, and personal growth with humor.

Ratings on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being exceptional):
Quality of writing: 8
Pace: 9
Plot development: 8
Characters: 8
Enjoyability: 8
Insightfulness: 8
Ease of reading: 9
Photo/Illustrations: NA

About The Author

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Hey there! I'm Shilpa, a hidden wordsmith with a talent for infusing my writing with vibrant, clever, and personal touches. As a coffee enthusiast, book devourer, and foodie at heart, I'm also a big fan of lo-fi tunes and captivating illustrations. My slight obsession? Stationery, productivity hacks, and anything that helps keep life organized. Whether embarking on adventures or getting lost in the pages of a good book, I'm always in pursuit of compelling stories.

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